out turning eyelid
Ectropion means that all, or part, of the lower eyelid is sagging away from the eye and the eyelashes are turning outwards
Out turning eyelid (ectropion)
Ectropion means that all, or part, of the lower eyelid is sagging away from the eye and the eyelashes are turning outwards. By far the commonest cause is age related eyelid tissue laxity, the muscle and eyelid skin become slack over time. Approximately 1 in every 14 people aged between 60-69 years will develop an ectropion and this figure increases to 1 in every 6 people once over the age of 80 years old. Less common causes are eyelid lumps and bumps weighing the eyelid down, facial paralysis (weakness) such as Bell’s palsy or tight lower lid skin pulling the eyelid away from the eye.
Whatever the cause the symptoms of ectropion can include:
- Tearing.
- Mucous discharge.
- Crusting and occasionally infection.
- Irritation often resulting in eye rubbing which may further weaken the eyelid tissues and worsen the situation.
- Occasionally the eyes may not be able to close properly due to the lower lid ectropion, leading to drying and even infection of the cornea (front window of the eye). Any damage to the cornea can affect eyesight.

Treatment Price –
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