Botox for a downturned mouth can last up to five months, but this is dependent on your age, metabolism, lifestyle and the dosage given.
What causes a downturned mouth?
The Ageing process and gravity can be factors which cause the mouth to turn downwards. In addition, the muscles responsible for tooth grinding can also cause premature drooping at the corners of the mouth. This can also happen in younger patients with overactive Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) muscles.
The treatment –
Fortunately, there is a safe and non-surgical solution to this common aesthetic concern. When injecting botulin toxin into the Depressor Anguli Oris muscle, the corners of the mouth lift for a more neutral and pleasing “resting expression.”
Generally the treatment would be done alongside filler for optimal results, but can also work well alone.
Small amounts of botox are injected into various places in the upper lip to relax the muscle and thereby reducing the over activity.
How long do results last?
Botox for a downturned mouth can last up to five months, but this is dependent on your age, metabolism, lifestyle and the dosage given. The majority of patients find that Botox results tend to wear off after three or four months.

Treatment Prices –
Price to follow
A no-obligation consultation will allow us to match personalised treatment plans to your end goals. Whether that’s a single treatment or a plan of holistic therapy to boost your confidence and enhance your natural beauty.