The lower lids can age in a similar fashion to the upper eyelids with changes in skin and muscle tone, lower eyelid laxity and prolapse of orbital fat..
“Eyebags” (lower lid blepharoplasty)
The lower lids can age in a similar fashion to the upper eyelids, with changes in skin and muscle tone, lower eyelid laxity and prolapse of orbital fat. This can result in “puffy” lower eyelids or “eyebags” which can be ageing and give a tired appearance.
Patients with subtle eyebags or mild skin laxity may not be suitable for surgery and be better trying other less invasive procedures eg: improved skin care or a mild chemical peel using trichloracetic acid (TCA peel). Other people may have a tired look due to lower eyelid dark circles and be advised to try the relatively new treatment of using “tear trough” dermal fillers rather than undergoing a lower lid surgical procedure.

Treatment Price –
Price to follow
A no-obligation consultation will allow us to match personalised treatment plans to your end goals. Whether that’s a single treatment or a plan of holistic therapy to boost your confidence and enhance your natural beauty.