eyelid cyst
This is one of the commonest benign lumps in the upper or lower eyelids.
Eyelid cyst (chalazion)
This is one of the commonest benign lumps in the upper or lower eyelids. A chalazion occurs when a meibomian gland opening blocks, resulting in an inflammation and occasionally infection in the meibomian gland – hence the other name for a chalazion is a meibomian gland cyst. The function of the meibomian glands is to secrete an oily film onto the tears to reduce evaporation, and the gland orifices sit on the eyelid margin just behind the root of the eyelashes. The problem often starts with a visible “white head” on the eyelid margin ie plugged meibomian gland opening, before a tender swelling develops.

Treatment Price –
Price to follow
A no-obligation consultation will allow us to match personalised treatment plans to your end goals. Whether that’s a single treatment or a plan of holistic therapy to boost your confidence and enhance your natural beauty.