Cognitive Analytical Therapy (CAT) is a collaborative process that helps you look at patterns of how you relate to yourself and others.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (or CBT as its commonly known) is a form of psychotherapy that combines cognitive therapy and behaviour therapies, emphasising the importance of ‘how we think affects how we feel and what we do’.
In simple terms, cognitive behavioural therapy addresses negative patterns and distortions in the way we look at the world and ourselves. As the name suggests, this involves two main components:
Cognitive therapy – examines how negative thoughts or cognitions contribute to negative emotion.
Behavioural therapy – examines how you react to and behave in situations that trigger a negative emotion.
The basic premise of cognitive behavioural therapy is that it’s our thoughts or irrational beliefs – not external events – that affect the way we feel. In other words, it’s not the situation that determines how you feel, but your perception of the situation.
Your thoughts can block you from seeing things that don’t fit in with what you believe which can cause you problems if you continue to hold on to them. CBT can help you to identify and challenge any unhealthy beliefs whilst at the same time helping you to identify and reinforce a series of more helpful and rational beliefs – consequently changing the way you feel.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is not about “positive thinking” it is about thinking realistically and logically in situations that are experienced as highly distressing. Common problems CBT can help with:
Anxiety. Depression. Anger. Low self-confidence/self-esteem. Panic Attacks. Phobias. Stress Management.

Treatment Price –
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A no-obligation consultation will allow us to match personalised treatment plans to your end goals. Whether that’s a single treatment or a plan of holistic therapy to boost your confidence and enhance your natural beauty.